Cherryland Middle School 707 E. Third Street Elk Rapids, MI 49629 P: 231-264-8991 F: 231-264-9370

Principal: Josh Haggerty
Secretaries: Cheryll Wynkoop, Renee Bradberry

Welcome toCherryland Middle School Sports

Football Team photo
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Elk Rapids School Fight Song

New Students

During the summer there may be camps, open gyms, strength and conditioning, etc. If you are new to our district in the summer and would like to become involved in these, please contact the lead coach for the sport listed below.

Fall Sports

Open to 7th and 8th Grade girls.  



(8th) Melissa Wierema - [email protected]

If you have not signed up for Volleyball, please email one of the coaches above.

Information & Schedules

Sports physical MUST be on file in the CMS office BEFORE participation in practice is allowed.

Practice is set to start x/x/2024.

Pictures are xx/xx/2024

PDF Document2024 Season Schedule

Open to 7th and 8th Grade girls and boys.  

Please contact the Elk Rapids Youth Football League for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade summer football information. (231-632-0539 or [email protected])

Head Coach

Information & Schedules

Open to 7th and 8th Grade girls and boys.  There are two separate seasons; see schedule information below.

Head Coach

Stephanie Burrell
[email protected]

Information & Schedules

  • The cheer team cheers at all football and boys’ basketball games.  See the respective schedules on this page.
  • You may cheer for only football, only boys’ basketball, or both.  There is no cheer team for girls’ basketball.

Open to 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade girls and boys.

Lead Coach

Mary Pray - [email protected]

Information & Schedules

  • Sports physical MUST be on file in the CMS office BEFORE participation in official practice is allowed.

Winter Sports

Open to 7th and 8th Grade boys. 

Please contact the Elk Rapids Basketball Association for 6th grade boys.


Information & Schedules

PDF Document2024 Season Schedule
External LinkTCAPS Summer Camps

  • Sports physical MUST be on file in the CMS office BEFORE participation in practice is allowed.
  • 1st game of the day starts at 4:30 pm.

Open to 7th and 8th Grade boys and girls.


Garrett Skurnit, Head Coach
[email protected]


Information & Schedules


  • Sports physical MUST be on file in the CMS office BEFORE participation in practice is allowed.

Open to 7th and 8th Grade girls.  Please contact the Elk Rapids Basketball Association for 6th grade girls.

Head Coaches

7th grade - Wesley Bassett - [email protected]

8th grade- Bo Reinhardt - [email protected]

Information & Schedules

PDF Document2025 Winter Season Schedule

Check back in May 2024 for updated information and schedule
External LinkTCAPS Summer Camps
External LinkUofM Girls’ Basketball Camp
External LinkMacker Tournaments

Sports physical MUST be on file in the CMS office BEFORE participation in practice is allowed.

1st game of the day starts at 4:30 pm.

Spring Sports

Open to 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade girls and boys.


Remi King
[email protected]

Information & Schedules

  • Sports physical MUST be on file in the CMS office BEFORE participation in official practice is allowed.

Open to all 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade boys and girls.  Rider and groom positions available; horse ownership is not required, but please contact the coach anytime before the beginning of May to learn more so you can be prepared for the season.  Please contact Coach Jansen for summer activities.


Sandy Jansen
[email protected]

Information & Schedules

Equestrian Schedule

  • Sports physical MUST be on file in the CMS office BEFORE participation in official practice is allowed.
  • 6/19/21 – @ Gaylord City Fairgrounds at 8:00 AM

Elk Rapids Youth Softball operates a Spring season for CMS 7th and 8th grade girls.  Practices begin after Spring Break, and most games are played in the month of May.  Home double-headers are played on the JV Softball field located behind CMS (closest to the tennis courts).  Contact Coach Bachi for more information:

Rob Bachi - [email protected]

Spring Schedules:


Summer League

Elk Rapids plays in the Chain o' Lakes League for both baseball and softball.  Registration is typically in March through the beginning of April.  For more information, please visit:

For information on the local youth soccer league, please contact Andrea Krakow at 231-392-4900 or [email protected]

PDF DocumentArea Youth Soccer Information

Notice to All MS Athletes

All Sports Physicals must be in before athlete can participate in practice for a sport.  Eligibility and Insurance Waiver forms as well as Participation Fees must be in by the end of the 3rd week of the sport.



Athletic Forms/Information

PDF DocumentParticipation Fees
PDF DocumentCMS Athletic Handbook


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Renee Bradberry - CMS Athletic Director Assistant
231-264-8991 ext. 2126
[email protected]

Josh Haggerty - CMS Athletic Director
231-264-8991 ext. 2124
[email protected]