Principal: Angie Nichols
Secretaries: Beth Veeder, Elaine DiGiovanni
Welcome to Lakeland Elementary
We are lifelong learners working to build a more peaceful world.
Our “Points of Pride”
- Top 15% School in the State
- Nominated as a Reward School in 2012
- Currently an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Recognized World School!
- One-One Ipad Technology for All Students
- 95% of Teaching Staff have Earned MA Degree
- Early Childhood Special Education Program
- Transitional Kindergarten
- Specials instruction in Art, Music, Spanish and Physical Education
- Busing to and from school each day
- Response To Intervention Programs in Reading/Math
- Title I Support for All Students
- Research Based Instructional Programs: Expressions Math, Core Knowledge Language Arts
- Inquiry Based Instruction Training for All Staff
- Extra Curricular Activities for Students: Pop Warner, Cheerleading, ERBA, Volleyball, Little League, Oydessy of the Mind, Vex IQ Robotics, Boy/Girl Scouts, Tae-Kwon-Do, Girls On The Run, Kids Yoga, NORTE
- Pre-School Program
- On Site Before/After School Program
- Summer Kids Club Childcare Program
- Actively Engaged Parent Teacher Organization
- Recently Updated Facilities and Safety Enhancements