Lakeland Elementary 616 Buckley Street Elk Rapids, MI 49629 P: 231-264-8289 F: 231-264-6132

Principal: Angie Nichols
Secretaries: Beth Veeder, Elaine DiGiovanni

Music / Art / Physical Education


Our Preschool-5th grade general music program offers students opportunities to participate in instrumental, vocal and movement activities, as well as learning to understand and appreciate music within our school, community and the world at large.

Each day they are in music class, students PERFORM, DESCRIBE and CREATE!  Through music, students have the opportunity to learn about other cultures, experience a variety of musical genres, and learn more about themselves through their musical discoveries and experiences.


The Elementary Art Program in Elk Rapids is based on the Michigan Merit Curriculum Standards, Benchmarks and grade level expectations.   It breaks down like this:

Students Perform

Materials – children are exposed to a variety of materials and taught safe and appropriate use in the most creative and productive manner possible. Pencil, scissors, glue, oil pastels, tempera and watercolor paints, cut paper, clay, metal are just a few of the tools we use in our Kindergarten- 5th grade program.

Skills – These materials are the vehicle for exploring the principles and elements of design, creative process and problem solving, and the ability to prepare complete and sign a finished work of art.

Students Create

Apply – Using the skills taught and materials provided, students apply the knowledge to produce individual and personal interpretations of art and ideas.

Students Analyze

Discussion – Why do artists create and what sort of sensory qualities are stimulated and used during the process.

Reflection – Students are asked to verbally and in written form reflection their learning experience and create connections to personal or academic parts of their life.

Students Analyze in Context

History – Students learn about arts use and relevance throughout history.