Principal: Mr. Jack Young
Lead Teacher: Mrs. Shauna Phillips
Student Handbook
Welcome to Sunrise Academy
Welcome to, Sunrise Academy, Elk Rapids Alternative High School. We are pleased to have you as one of our students and hope you take advantage of every opportunity that this school provides to improve educationally, physically, and socially.
Sunrise Academy’s approach to education strives to provide students with learning experiences that are both interesting and flexible. Sunrise Academy staff realizes each student is an individual, which is why Sunrise Academy’s environment is informal, non-threatening, and directed towards the student’s success. As much as possible, the Sunrise Academy will provide computer-assisted instruction in communication arts, math, and science.
In order to be successful at Sunrise Academy you must be involved and cooperative. It will be expected that you abide by Sunrise Academy’s guidelines and become an active participant in your educational journey. The program welcomes you to this new experience and hopes this handbook answers any questions you may have.
Enrollment Procedure
Afternoon Session 1:35-2:30
Enrollment Procedure
A. Eligibility
1. Students may be admitted at the beginning of any six-week marking period.
2. Students applying for admission must be between the ages of 14 and 19 and must have attended high school prior to admission.
3. Students who are incoming freshmen may only apply for admission upon a referral directly from the middle school or high school principal.
B. Admission procedure:
1. The student must obtain an application and essay form from Sunrise Academy.
2. The student will return the completed application material to the program director and arrange an entrance interview. The interview will include the student, parent/guardian, an Sunrise Academy teacher, and the program director.
3. Upon completion of the interview the staff will determine admission and notify the student and parent/guardian.
4. If the student applies but an opening is not available, the student will be advised and placed on a waiting list.
Release of Directory Information
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and its implementing rules allow a school district to release certain “directory information “without specific permission of parents/guardians. This information may include, but is not limited to, the following.
(1) Name, address, telephone number
(2) Date and place of birth
(3) Participation in school activities
(4) Dates of school attendance
(5) Honors and awards received
(6) Grade, height, and weight of athletes
(7) Honor roll members
(8) Similar information usually found in yearbooks.
The above listed items will be released only to the following: schools, and school organizations; colleges; universities; trade or business schools; employers; Armed Services; press releases. Parent/guardian or adult student may request that the above information on their student not be released. Such a request must be in writing and be sent to the Superintendent’s Office, Elk rapids Schools, 707 E. 3rd Street, Elk Rapids, MI, 49629, by October 1st Annually.
Additional “FERPA” Rights
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the Elk Rapids Schools receives a request for access.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student (over 18 years of age) believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students wishing to do so should put in writing to the principal what they would like changed and why it is inaccurate or misleading. If Elk Rapids Schools decide not to amend the record, notification will be sent along with information advising you of your right to a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in student’s education records (noted above). Exception FERPA permits disclosure without consent to school officials with legitimate educational interests.
Graduation Requirements
1. A minimum of 22 credits is required by Sunrise Academy in order to be eligible for a diploma. All students must earn the following credits prior to graduation:
(a) Communication Arts……………………………..4 credits
(b) Social Studies…………………………………….3 credits
(c) Science……………………………………………3 credits
(d) Mathematics………………………………………2.5 credits
(e) Electives…………………………………………10.5 credits
(f) PE/Health………………………………………… 1 credit
2. Full time students are expected to be signed up and working on a minimum of 5 subjects each semester, but may enroll for 6. Part time students must be signed up and making progress in as many courses as needed to graduate as identified on their graduation plan. Full time students must make progress toward graduation by earning at least 10 credits a school year to continue in the program.
3. Students who meet the graduation requirements may participate in graduation ceremonies with Sunrise Academy.
Independent Study
Service Learning or other similar learning experiences outside the classroom will not count toward the required hours, unless authorized by the teacher.
In order to earn ¼ credit for a subject during each marking period, the student must meet the requirement for hours in the program and must satisfactorily complete the assigned work.
Full time students must enroll for and continue in 5 classes each semester. However, students can enroll for a maximum of 7 classes each semester. A full time student must be passing 4 classes during the marking period or be placed on probation. Students must make progress toward graduation by earning at least 8 credits a school year to continue in the program. Part time students must take as many credits each semester as identified on their graduation plan.
All new students will be on probation. All Sunrise Academy students are on probation for the first two weeks of their first quarter in attendance. If they violate the rules of probation in terms of hours, grades, and/or behavior, they will be dismissed from Sunrise Academy for the remainder of the quarter.
Sunrise Academy students will be placed on probation during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 5th, and 6th marking periods if they have failed to pass at least 3 classes or if they fail to attend at least 200 hours during the previous marking period. Students on probation must attend school 27 hours per week without fail and raise their grades to passing in at least 4 classes within two weeks. Failure to achieve passing in at least 4 classes in 2 weeks will result in dismissal from the program. Students may re-apply for the next marking period.
Students entering the program in:
Week 1 and 2 may register for 6 classes
No new entries will be accepted after week two.
Any student who has not earned credit in at least 3 of his/her classes during a marking period will be dismissed from the program. Any student who has been dismissed from the program will be eligible to reapply for re-admission at the beginning of the next marking period. Students who have been dismissed from the program have a right to a hearing before the Board of Education. Students and their parents/guardians, however, may waive this right in writing.
Vocational Education Policy
(Ref. Board Policy 2421)
The Career Tech Center through T.B.A.I.S.D will be an option for those students with junior or senior status. Sunrise Academy has a responsibility to select those students who qualify for and will benefit from the program. The number of spaces is limited so it is expected that those students selected will make every effort towards completion of their program. Conditions for enrollment is as follows:
(1) Your time commitment to T.B.A. must not interfere with graduation requirements at Sunrise Academy.
(2) Students are expected to represent Sunrise Academy in
a manner that complies with the student handbook, as well as the rules established by T.B.A.
(3) T.B.A. attendance policy expects attendance by all students on each day the vocational center is open. The only exception is when Elk Rapids Schools are closed due to inclement weather.
(4) Transportation will be provided daily to T.B.A. The bus will leave the high school at 11:55 A.M. and return at approximately 3:30 P.M. It is the responsibility of the student or parent/guardian to provides transportation home from Sunrise Academy as the bus does not return until after regular bus runs have left.
Work Experience
Working for someone other that a teacher or parent can be a valuable learning experience. Students may earn elective credit for working. The student must complete 180 hours of work outside of the school day during a semester to earn credit. The student will be required to complete a module relating to their job and hand in documentation on the number of hours worked.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued at the end of each 6-week marking period. Cards will be distributed to students at school. Progress reports can be requested at any time.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled each school year. Fall conferences are scheduled near the conclusion of the first marking period. Specific dates are listed on the school calendar. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers at any time a need exists.
Honor Roll
Honor rolls are posted for the first and second semester. Students must have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher to be eligible for the honor roll. Student’s with incompletes will not be considered.
Student Records
The office keeps a permanent record for each student. These records not only have complete information on academic and extra-curricular accomplishments, but also have information on a student’s attitudes and cooperation. Build a good reputation for yourself. Your school records follow you later in life.
Student Expectations and Responsibilities
One of the most important lessons education teaches is discipline. While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies everything we stand for. It is the training that develops self-control, character, responsibility, and efficiency.
Expected Behavior
- Be on time, prepared, and ready to learn
- Be honest
- Use language, words, and conduct worthy of respect
- Treat all persons and property with respect
- Plan for and promote success for yourself and others
- Honor you commitments
- Promote a safe environment
- Follow rules set forth in student handbook.
- Graduate!
Rules Violations
Violation of the rules may result in the student being sent home for the day with no hours credited for attendance.
If students violate our expectations or Discipline Code, the following 3 step process will go into effect.
- There will be a conference with the teacher.
- If this does not solve the problem
There will be a conference with the ERHS Principal. - If this does not solve the problem
There will be a staff conference to determine final action.
Attendance Policy
(Ref. Board Policy 5200)
All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes in order to benefit from the educational experience.
(a) Full-time students are expected to clock 27 school hours per week. Students who clock less than that may use Friday afternoon to make up lost hours. Students who fail to average 27 hours will be placed on probation. They will have 2 weeks to move off probation. Full time students who do not meet the 27-hours/week requirement, and fail to make up hours, may be dismissed from Sunrise Academy for the remainder of the 6 week grading period. .
(b) Students who clock less than 15 hours in a week will be moved to probationary status and will be required to make up hours on Friday. Students will have 2 weeks to move off probation or they will be dismissed from the program. These students may reapply at the beginning of the next 6 week marking period
(c) Students enrolled in Sunrise Academy less than full time will be required to attend school the following hours:
4 credits – 21 hours
3 credits – 16 hours
2 credits – 10 hours
1 credit – 5 hours
(d) Any student dismissed from Sunrise Academy will receive an Incomplete (I) for each subject. The student will have the opportunity to re-enroll and finish any Incompletes. Incomplete grades must be completed in the marking period following the one in which it was assigned.
(e) Any student who punches another students time card will receive a suspension of one day and loss of open lunch privileges for 5 consecutive school days.
(f) There is no distinction between excused and unexcused absences.
Leaving the Building
Students arriving or leaving the building at times other than the scheduled school day must clock in and out.
Open/Closed Campus at Lunch
Sunrise Academy will have an open campus for lunch for students 16 years and older and those with written permission from parents. All others must remain on campus. Students who leave for lunch must punch in no later than 40 minutes after leaving. Sunrise Academy students must punch-out for lunch and will have a limit of 2 additional “punch-outs” for the day. We will observe the open campus policy within the following guidelines:
All students with permission will be granted open campus privileges during breaks, however, it will be revoked of the following reasons:
1) Late for class – student will serve 1 thirty minute detention to be served within 2 days of the violation. Failure to serve the detention will result in a suspension.
2) Reckless driving – first offense – revoked for one day; second offense – revoked for rest of 6 weeks
3) Not returning to Sunrise Academy – you must make up hours within two weeks or you will lose privilege for the rest of the quarter.
4) Suspicion of drug or alcohol use – revoked for rest of 6 weeks
5) Smoking in view of the building – revoked for rest of 6 weeks.
6) If a student leaves for break after that privilege has been revoked under the above reasons, he/she will be suspended for the following day.
Search and Seizure
(Ref. Board Policy 5771)
The program director, who has reasonable cause to believe a student is in possession of an illegal or potentially dangerous item has the right and responsibility to search the student, his/her belongings, and vehicle. The search is to be conducted in a reasonable manner and any illegal or dangerous items will be confiscated. Disciplinary actions may be taken against the student in possession of such items.
(Ref. Board Policy 5610)
The authority of the Board of Education to authorize school suspensions and to make reasonable rules and regulations regarding discipline is granted as follows:
(a) The Board of Education grants to the Superintendent and/or Program Director of Sunrise Academy, the authority to use the following form of discipline: Out of school suspension. Students who are suspended out of school are also suspended from all extra-curricular activities for the duration of the suspension. This includes practice sessions and games and attendance at any event taking place at Sunrise Academy or Elk Rapids High School. Students are responsible for making up the lost school time due to a suspension.
(b) Suspension – defined as a temporary refusal of the school district to allow a student to attend school. Suspensions will be considered for “Persistent Disobedience” – defined as a student consistently violating minor rules when other methods of resolving the problem have been tried and failed, or “Gross Misdemeanors” – examples including but not limited to; theft, possession of weapons, possession of tobacco, possession of drugs, and fighting.
(c) The Program Director shall be responsible for documenting evidence to support any action of suspension and efforts to solve the problem.
(d) The lengths of the suspensions must be in relationship to the severity of the offense and be consistent.
(e) The U.S. Supreme Court has noted that suspensions of ten (10) days or less do not result in “severe or grievous loss” of education and therefore, does not require all the formal procedures normally offered under Due Process clause of the Constitution. Longer suspensions require more formal procedures.
(Ref. Board Policy 5610.01)
Defined as a permanent exclusion of a student from school by the Board of Education. (Permanent generally refers to a period of time beyond which there is a measurable loss of benefit – inability to be promoted, failing a course, etc.)
General Provision:
(a) The student must be found guilty by the program director of “gross misdemeanor” or “persistent disobedience” before recommending expulsion. The program director determines that other actions are inappropriate and that the student’s behavior justified expulsion.
(b) The parent’s must be given written notice of the intent to recommend expulsion. The notice should include:
a. The charge and evidence of the charge
b. The time and place of the meeting to consider the expulsion.
c. The length of time the administration is recommending the student be denied enrollment.
d. A brief description of the hearing procedure (who will conduct it, how it will be conducted, etc.)
e. A statement of the student’s rights, including the right to be represented by the parent or counsel, the right to give testimony, present evidence and otherwise a defense.
f. A statement of the right to request the attendance of school personnel who are party to the incident or who have accused the student of violating the policy or rules.
(c) Expulsion must be by formal action of the Board of Education. The board may meet in closed session to consider expulsion when the student, student’s parents or guardian request a closed hearing.
a. The board must act to expel a public session with a quorum present.
b. The expulsion must be by formal motion and confirmed vote.
c. The action must appear in the minutes and be part of the public record.
d. Where the board rules in favor of the student, the student shall be reinstated immediately. The student should be allowed to return to school without prejudice or penalty.
(d) A permanently expelled student must apply for reinstatement in accordance with the Board of Education’s guidelines. (Ref. Board Policy 5610.02)
Due Process
(Ref. Board Policy 5611)
Procedure for student suspensions: A student being considered for suspension must be provided an informal administrative hearing. This will be a meeting between the Program Director or Teacher and the student. The purpose of this hearing is to notify the student of the charges against him/her.
(a) The designated school representative convening the hearing must give the student oral or written notice of the charges.
(b) If the student denies the charges, the designated school representative must provide an explanation of the evidence and an opportunity for the student to provide his/her side of the story.
(c) A judgment is made by the school representative based on the evidence and the student’s defense.
(d) Where the Program Director or the Teacher feels there is justification to suspend, he/she will provide oral notice to the student and parent, followed with written notification of suspension.
(e) Appeal Procedure – If a judgment is made by the school representative to suspend a student, the student will be granted the opportunity to appeal the decision. The student will indicate in writing, signed by parent/guardian, the decision to appeal. To appeal the student has until the close of the following school day to present his/her appeal with evidence to the school representative. The next appeal would be to the Superintendent and the final appeal step will be the Board of Education. All appeals will be concluded within five (5) school days. If the appeals process sustains the school representative’s decision, then the suspension will begin the following school day. The student will remain in school until the appeal process has reached its conclusion. The student may withdraw the appeal at anytime and the original decision will stand.
Harassing behavior because of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, handicap, weight, height, age or veteran status is unlawful under both Michigan and Federal Law. All students are expected to conduct themselves with respect for the dignity and rights of others.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, any unwelcome or unwanted sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or other verbal, written or physical conduct or a sexual nature that is unwanted by or unwelcome to the student and/or has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a student’s educational environment. Such conduct or communications are illegal and will subject students, employees, or district volunteers to appropriate corrective action.
*Any student who believes he/she is a victim or harassment, sexual or other, as stated above, should contact the program director or teacher as soon as possible after the incident. The student will be asked to submit a signed written report of the incident. The director shall then investigate the report in a timely manner. The director will take corrective action when appropriate. Sunrise Academy takes harassment seriously and enforces the law.
Dress Code
Clothing that displays inappropriate language, drugs, sex, alcohol, or tobacco will be considered inappropriate and will not be acceptable. Shirts must cover shoulders and not be too revealing, shorts and skirts must be mid thigh in length, and all undergarments must be covered. The student will be sent home to change or if appropriate will be asked to turn the clothing inside out.
Tobacco/Alcohol/Mind-Altering, Illegal, and Look-Alike Drugs
The possession, consumption, or sale of the above-mentioned substances by students is not permitted on school premises. Students are not allowed to appear in school while under the influence of any drug or alcohol to any extent.
Students will have the option of being transported on the Elk Rapids School buses. Students who use buses for travel to and from school shall follow general district rules and regulations. Violation of bus conduct rules may result in suspension of bus-riding privileges. These rules include but are not limited to the following:
(a) To occupy the seat assigned by the driver and to refrain at all times from moving around while the bus is in motion.
(b) To keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
(c) To refrain from foul language or loud talking.
(d) To refrain from pushing, shoving, or fighting.
(e) To refrain from throwing objects.
(f) To keep all harmful objects such as drugs, tobacco, alcohol and weapons off the bus.
(g) To refrain from littering, writing on, or damaging the bus in any way.
(h) To keep hands and head inside the bus at all times.
(i) To refrain from displaying any overt affections toward another student.
(j) To be in the designated place both morning and after school ready to board the bus at the proper time.
(k) To stay off the traveled roadway at all times while waiting for the bus.
Students electing to drive to school are expected to observe safe driving rules:
(a) All school parking areas for students are under the direct responsibilities of the Program Director
(b) All cars driven to school should have a Elk Rapids Alternative High School sticker displayed in the vehicle and should be parked in the student parking area.
(c) All cars driven by students are to be driven in a safe and efficient manner while on school grounds and entering and leaving school property.
(d) Students in violation of the driving and parking policies are subject to loss of driving privileges, car may be towed, and/or local police contacted.
Elk Rapids High School Events
When a student from Sunrise Academy is attending an event at Elk Rapids High School he/she is expected to behave appropriately. A student failing to act in an appropriate, respectful manner will be subject to discipline according to the handbook of Elk Rapids High School.
Students of Sunrise Academy are eligible to participate in high school athletics at Elk Rapids High School. Students will be expected to follow the same rules, standards, and code of conduct of the students who attend ERHS. For more information on this contact the Program Director or the Athletic Director at Elk Rapids High School.
Cell Phones or Pagers
Students are prohibited using cell phones or pagers during class session. If a student is caught using either of the above mentioned items it will be confiscated immediately. The parent/guardian must come to the school to pick it up if they so choose. If the same student is caught using one of these devices a second time, the item will be confiscated and not returned until the end of the year.
Computer Assisted Learning
Instructional software programs will be available to use for earning credit. Students can enroll in a software program, if it is for a credit, which will count toward their graduation.
Students may not take a software program in which they have received a credit. Likewise, a student cannot take a lower level course than one for which they have already received credit. Ex. Basic math course cannot be taken if the student has passed the Algebra I course.
Students Rights and Responsibilities
The rules and regulations in this handbook are designed to allow each student to obtain a safe, orderly and appropriate education. Students can expect their rights to be respected and receive fair treatment as long as they respect those rights for others. Students are expected to follow teacher directions and obey all school rules. We expect students to arrive at school on time and prepared to learn.
Parents Rights and Responsibilities
Parents and guardians have the right to know how their student is progressing in school. We will provide that information on a regular basis and as needed. We ask parents and guardians to call for an appointment if they wish to speak with a staff member. Parents and guardians are encouraged to build a relationship with the school staff that will provide appropriate information in a timely manner so that the student can accomplish his/her learning goals.
We expect the parents and guardians to participate in parent conferences and read this handbook. It is very helpful for parents and guardians to encourage the students to work hard attend school on a regular basis and treat others with respect.
Student Safety and Well Being
We expect all students to follow the directions of the staff in case of an emergency such as fires, tornadoes or other drills conducted for student safety. All students must take part in these drills. They will receive disciplinary action if they refuse. If students, parents or guardians are aware of any dangerous situation that could threaten the safety of others, they should tell a staff member or call the police immediately.
State law requires that all students have an up to date medical card completed and signed by a parent or guardian on file in the school office at the beginning of each school year. A student can be excluded from attending school until this card has been placed on file.
Students having specific health concerns should make them known to the staff in writing. A physician may be asked to provide documentation of the concern. All medications, prescribed and over the counter, are to be delivered to the school office where they will be kept under lock and only given to students with parent or guardian directions and under adult supervision.
All injuries must be reported to a staff member. If the injury is minor, the student will be treated and returned to class. If medical attention is required, we will attempt to contact the parent, guardian or named responsible adult. If this is not possible, the student will be taken to the hospital or 911 will be notified, following the District policy.
Parents/guardians will be called pick up a student if s/he is too ill to participate in class. There is no area suitable for a student to lie down.
Immunizations are required by law, therefore students must have an immunization record or we must have an authorized waiver on file. Students may be excluded from school until this process is up to date.
Student Selection
Students will be admitted at the start of each marking period. Students may apply at any time to be placed on the waiting list. All who apply will be placed on the waiting list. Individuals selected to fill any openings will go through the application and referral procedure. The procedure can be started by the student, parent, guardian, teacher, counselor or school administrator.
All new students will be on probation. They must meet the attendance, achievement and behavior standards of the program. Failure to meet these standards will cause the student to be removed from the program. Students may reapply for re-admission at the start of the next marking period, if an opening is available.
Some students will only be allowed to enter, or return, if they and their parents/guardians agree to a written behavior contract.
Classroom Policies
1. If you are sent home, or leave for the day, you must leave the school grounds. You are not allowed to remain, or return to the building or return to ride the bus. If you are waiting for a ride, you are not allowed to have any contact with other students and you must remain in the designated area until your ride arrives.
2.Writing on or damaging school property is considered destruction of property and you will have to pay for the repair or replacement.
3. Service learning can be used to earn credits as part of your graduation plan. However, students may have the opportunity to earn double time for special projects approved by staff. You cannot earn both credit and double time for your service project.
4. Your time card must be legible and punched correctly in order to receive credit for your hours.
5. No one but you can punch your time card. Anyone punching a card other than his or her own will be receive a suspension.
6. You will not receive any credit for hours if you fail to punch in.
7. Students who are cheating will lose all points for the assignment. The same penalty applies to those whose paper is used for the cheating.
Cancellation of School
Sunrise Academy will be closed whenever the Elk Rapids High School is closed.
Student Lunches
Students may bring a lunch or purchase it from the school lunch program. Free and reduced lunches are available. Forms are available if you think you may qualify. Breakfast is available. Orders will be taken each morning.
Telephone Use
A telephone is available for student emergency use. No cell phones or pagers are allowed during class session.
No student visitors are permitted. Adults may visit with permission from a staff member.
The Elk Rapids Schools are in a drug free zone, therefore, no tobacco products are permitted on school property. Disciplinary action will be taken with those who do not follow this rule. Underage tobacco use on school property will be reported to law enforcement authorities. Violators will be sent home for the remainder of the day with no credit for any hours earned.
Any student vehicle driven to school must be registered with the school and display the appropriate sticker.
Special Education
Basic special education services are available from the Sunrise Academy. Students who have certain special needs may find no appropriate service available to them at the Sunrise Academy. Those students will have to attend another school to receive those special services.
Recognition of Student Achievement
Students who have demonstrated significant achievements during the course of the year will be recognized for their accomplishments. Areas that may receive merit recognition include, but a re not limited to: academics, the arts, citizenship, attendance and volunteerism. Recognition for such activities is initiated by the staff and coordinated by the Principal.
Computer Technology and Networks
Before any student may enhance his/her career through participation in the school’s network, s/he and his/her parents or guardians must sign an agreement, which defines the conditions under which the student may participate. Failure to abide by all of the terms of the agreement may lead to termination of the student’s computer account and possible disciplinary action which can include suspension from school and/or referral to law enforcement authorities.
The use of the network is a privilege which may be revoked by the District at any time for appropriate reasons like but not limited to: altering system software; placing unauthorized information on the system; installing computer viruses or other harmful program on or through the computer system in either public or private messages or files. The District reserves the right to remove files, limit or deny access, and refer the student for other disciplinary action. Students may not load any software programs onto the systems without prior permission. Students may not access those Internet sites that promote sex, drugs, violence or alcohol. Students must stop using the computer immediately when requested by a staff member.
Student Assessment
Students are required to take the appropriate MEAP test when it is offered. Student progress will be measured in accordance with State and local standards.
Any high school student who wishes to test-out of a course in which s/he is not enrolled may do so by: taking the final examination for the course, or the appropriate competency test and receive a grade of at least C+ or better; demonstrating mastery of the subject matter as determined by the assessment in lieu of a final examination. Credit for a course earned by a student through this process may be used to fulfill a course requirement and be counted toward the required number of credits needed for graduation.
Suspension from School
A student who is suspended from school is responsible for making up any missed assignments due during the suspension. It is recommended that a student complete missed assignments before returning to school. The assignments should be given to the staff upon the student’s return. Assignments are available by calling the school the second day of the suspension. Make-up of missed tests will be scheduled by the staff when the student returns to school. The student will be given credit for properly completed assignments and a grade on any tests that have been made-up. Students who are suspended from school or sent home for the day are not allowed on school property during the suspension.
Vacations during the School Year
Up to five (5) days of absence for the purpose of a family trip may be used to waive 25-hour attendance criteria. This may be done on a “Family Trip” form that is available from Sunrise Academy staff.
Make-up Tests and Other Assignments
Students who are absent from school shall be given the opportunity to make-up assignments and tests which have been missed. To receive credit, all make-up work is due 5 days after returning to school.
Code of Conduct
A major component Sunrise Academy is to prepare students to become responsible workers and citizens by learning to conduct themselves appropriately in accordance with established standards.
Dress and Grooming
Since students are in school to learn, anything that disrupts the learning environment or is unsafe is unacceptable. A good guideline to follow is to ask “Would the way I am dressed be acceptable employee attire in a workplace such as a retail store?”
The following student dress is not acceptable and will result in the student’s removal from school until a change has occurred: attire which promotes drugs, alcohol, discrimination, sexual activity, profanity, gang activity, anything inappropriate in a school setting and/or is too revealing. Clothes or accessories, which pose a safety risk are not acceptable.
Care of Property
Students are responsible for the care of their own personal property. The school will not be responsible for personal property. Valuables, such as jewelry, irreplaceable items, and money should not be brought to school. Staff may take control of such items and return them to the student’s parents/guardians.
Student Discipline Code
Student Discipline Code
Behavior | Discretionary | Restrict | Suspend | Expel |
Use of Drugs Possession Distribution Sale or Use | Report to police | Yes | ||
Use of Breath Test Instruments | May report to authorities | Yes | ||
Use of Tobacco Possession Use | Report to Police if a minor | Yes, if on school grounds | ||
Disorder/Demonstration | May report to Police | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Possession of a weapon | Report to Police | Yes | ||
Use of an object as a weapon | Report to Police | Yes | ||
Knowledge of weapons/threats of violence | Report to Police | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Setting a fire | Report to Police | Yes | ||
Physical Assault | Report to Police | Yes | ||
Verbal Threat/Bullying | Report to Police | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Extortion | Report to Police | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Gambling | Report to Police | Yes | ||
Falsification of schoolwork, ID, and/or forgery | No Credit | Yes | ||
False Alarms, False reports and bomb threats | Report to Police and pay costs | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Explsives | Report to Police | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Trespassing | Report to Police | |||
Theft | Report to Police | Yes, possible | ||
Nuisance Item | Confiscate | Yes, possible | ||
Disobedience & Insubordination | Report to court if minor | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Damaging Property | Pay costs | Yes | ||
Persistent absence or tardiness | Report to court if minor | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Unauthorized use of school or private property | Yes | Yes, possible | ||
Refusing to accept discipline | Report to Police | Yes | Yes, possible | |
Aiding and abetting violation of school rules | Yes | |||
Engaging in displays of affections | Counseling | Yes, possible | ||
Use of cell phones, pagers and other electronic equipment | Confiscate | Yes, if repeated | ||
Violation of individual school or classroom rules | Yes, teacher may impose restrictions | Yes, if repeated | ||
Violation of bus rules | Yes, according to Trans. Dept. | |||
Disruption of the educational process | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Harassment | Counseling | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Possession of a firearm, arson and criminal sexual conduct | Report to Police | Yes |
Daily Time Schedule
Social Studies 7:45-8:35
Online Courses 8:35-9:45
AM Check-in 9:45-10:00
English 10:00-10:50
Break 10:50-11:00
Math 11:00-11:50
Lunch 11:50-12:30
Science 12:30-1:20
PM Check-in 1:20-1:30
Electives 1:30-2:20
Wrap-Up 2:20-2:37